Monday, August 3, 2009

And I'm Off! (But I'm Leaving All My Stuff Here for You)

Dear Fam and Friends,

In case my mother or facebook didn't give you the heads up, I'm on my way to Abu Dhabi! The UAE is calling me to teach and has offered me a position as a public school instructor. Last year the Abu Dhabi Ministry of Education (ADEC) declared that all first and second graders will receive instruction in English for al their core classes. This top down approach has led to the hiring of about 400 native English speaking elementary school teachers from all over the world, and I'm one of the lucky crowd! The beginning of September will be the start of my two years in Al Ain teaching Emiratee girls English, Math, and Science; I really couldn't be more psyched to start.

I'm incredibly excited to be experiencing the Middle East as a teacher in Abu Dhabi. I think the international mindset of the UAE is a great channel for me to ease into the culture and Culture of the Muslim world, as well as witness the rapid growth of this booming nation. Yes, it's going to be incredibly different from any other place I've visited so far in my few travels, but that's part of the reason why I want to go. Furthermore, I think it's going to be a terrific challenge to be on a team of founding teachers forming the new educational program. I'm hoping that my training will give me the know-how and guts needed to start up this pilot program. Furthermore, as I am new to teaching myself, I'm going to rely that my lack of rigid standards will allow me the flexibility necessary to try out novel tactics to instruction and developing curriculum. The job itself is going to be a fantastic adventure!

Alongside this news, I'm sorting through my small pile of worldly goods. You are welcome to anything I'm not taking with me or setting aside for storage. Also, if you happened to give me any of these fine treasures, please let me know if you'd prefer me to return them to you! Read on below if you'd like to know what's up for grabs; if any of it appeals, please just let me know to put your name on it.

Thank you all for your encouragement, advice, and lovin' over my last couple of years of teaching training here in NYC. I couldn't have done it without you and I appreciate all your effort to make my budding aspirations bloom into a reality. You are welcome to join me through my trials and adventures in the classroom and in the MIddle East through my to-be-irregularly-updated travel blog at

Take care,

_______ =^..^= __________

Here it is! My stuff that I can't fit into my suitcase and my mom can't keep in her garage until my emanate return.

From my garage:
My faithful 1994 Honda Civic: very reliable, very beat up, very loved
a Huffy mountain bike
a blue cooler
a two-man tent
extension cords galore
random tools
milkcrates, great for storage

From my bedroom:
a full sized bed with a gentle dip in the middle (boxspring, mattress, and stand)
pillows in various stages of squished and squishy
throw pillows all handsewn and down-stuffed
two large drawers
many table lamps (i'll even give you the bulbs)
a pretty red throw rug with white tasels
a couple of nightstands
a pretty oval mirror in a decorative gold frame
bedside alarm clock
a great laundry basket, tall with striped cloth liner

From my living room:
a window unit style AC
a couple of freestanding coat racks
over the door style coat racks
well behaved water frogs, tiny aquarium, and food pellets
well behaved house plants with various light source needs
a much slept and sat on futon with rather attractive arm rests
a well-worn throw carpet with some happy wine stains
picture frames

From my office:
a secretarial desk with one long drawer
a faux-leather desk chair, very studious looking
a bookcase of solid wood with five sturdy shelves
a Wi-Fi router with tons of cable and stuff
books! cookbooks, fiction, and some random stuff
CDs, loads and loads and loads, all in alphabetical order

From my kitchen:
A few plates, a few mis-matched wine glasses, some mugs
a microwave and toaster that are starting to lose their pep but still gets the job done
kitchen chairs in need of fresh seat covers
Swiffer mop thingy

From my boudoir:
vintage clothes, shoes, and costume jewelry
purses, totes, and hand bags
oodles of beauty supplies
costume supplies (face paint, and fun things to wear)
linens (towels and full-sized bed sheets)
curtains, some in pairs, all homemade with love

From my craft box:
a plastic tower of pull out drawers with skinny and deep storage
loads of colored paper, like random printed materials for collage
water colors, acrylic paints, and house paints
a variety of paint brushes
fabric scraps
yarn, knitting needles

There will probably be more as I pack and pile everything. It'd be nice to get a couple of bucks for my junk, but for the most part, just come by and pick anything up in Brooklyn during the last week of August.