Monday, December 7, 2009

Eh, You're Going Where on Holiday??

That would be Baku! I know it's pretty great not to be able to find my current residence on the map, so I thought I would continue to make tracking me a challenge.  Here's is my holiday hot spot on the map:

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Jill, Molly and I decided that wherever we'd go for our 10 day break, it would be cheap.  Well, after driving, airfare, hostel, eating, touring, enjoying not-being-in-Abu Dhabi, our grand total for the trip came out to less than a plane ticket to our top destination choices, like Petra, Egypt, or Thailand. So budget wise, the trip was a great success.  In fact, in all respects, our trip was pretty awesome.
Check out our cheap-o tix at the Dubai airport!

Our flight was totally booked. If you've never seen people excited to be traveling, just peep our plane just before departure. Just kidding, actually the three of us accounted for three-fourths of the ladies on board, and about a tenth of the total passengers.  But we were excited for it!

That is the way to travelate! It's traveling with style.

So we flew out of Dubai and into Baku. It was about a three hour trip, easy peesy.  As soon as we exited security, the taxi drivers were ready to rip us off!  But with much persistant and some sketchy bargaining, we got the orginial fare, 50 mandat, reduced to 20. Which we knew was the non-tourist price too pay. Score one for our team!

Our 25 minute taxi ride to the Old City of Baku was refreshing.  TREES!! OMG! Green stuff that doesn't need watering every day. It was pretty excited.

Following our hostel directions, we turned down the back alley and found the pink wall where our hostel should have been. Well, we were not greeted with the usual smiles of other backpackers, rather a very tall Pakistani dude comes to the door and assures us that this is not a hostel, "Hostel? No! It's finished!" Oh, crap... Where are we staying tonight??

Looking around the building complex we see signs for a different hostel. Although it wasn't 1000 Camels like we had been confirmed with our online booking, Caspien Hostel agreed to give us bunks and a couch at 11:30 in the evening. Shoo, I'll take it.

But, as it ends up, we didn't have to room with a bunch of French backpackers stankin' up the place. A kind American emerged from the now-defunt 1000 Camels, and after a nice chat with Molly, offered up the spots chez lui. Thus began our trip. As it proved, our host Evan was the highlight of Baku and showed us the best of the town. As a Fulbright scholar, he knew a slew about the history and current situation in Azerbaijan. The dude not only showed us around, but also introduced us to his fun gang of friends in the city. After our few days there, it's nice to count Evan as a new friend.  Such are the joys of travel!

The adventures in Baku continue...

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