In any case, my classes are still ridiculous. My girls are wild, silly, frustrating, tyrants, but shoot, they're cute at least ten percent of the time. Which isn't much, but it's an ego trip way they tackle each other so they can hold my hand at the front of the line. Yeah, I'm pretty popular, and apparently pretty boring as evidenced here by this first grader:
We learned the names of our face bits. Once I taught the girls the Hokey Pokey, they like to include putting not only our right hands in, but also our noses, chins, mouths, and eyes. I'm still working on shakin' my ears all about.
We had S day for phonetics. Together we made snails, snakes, suns, and spiders. Check out their handy work:
I requested to get some boxes to organize our classroom supplies. A place for the pencils, erasers, glue, scissors, you get the idea. I was expecting some plastic tupperware style containers, but that's about the furtherest thing from what I received. This is Emiratie style right here folks:
Note the poem:
Sad love, it breaks my heart. I thought about covering it. But I think it might encourage the girls to learn English.
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